Social Media Shutdown & VPN Access in Sri Lanka
Dearest lovable people of our beautiful island,
It is with profound sadness I write this post to you all. It doesn’t not make sense for us to hold any discussions or hate speeches on social media shutdown. Hence we have to advise and protect them how to use social medias in a good manner. Still I saw some unwanted posts and rumors around the Internet, please avoid posting news from unreliable sources. Through this we should not encourage people to access Social medias through VPN. Also please use social media smart enough to provide support to the people.
Of course security has been increased around the country and all hotels and public places are being guarded. We will share with you as and when more information surface about the incidents.We will do our utmost to be extra vigilant to ensure the safety of our people. You have been with us at our worst and seen us through very difficult situations, I ask you again on behalf of all Sri Lankans and especially our team, help us to protect them from further incidents. Please continue in the same spirit to ensure safety of our people. We cannot and must not let these incidents rule our lives. Hope that all of you are safe and be smart enough to protect this island again.
Anti-terrorism act
Above mentioned act is our Sri Lankan constitution where every citizen is guaranteed Privacy Freedom of speech and Access to information, So VPN is a privacy tool for using social media & access to information.
There are no clear laws against hate speeches. So don’t worry to use VPN & access social medias to express your opinions. Government going to legalize the privacy terms you see in Facebook privacy agreement.
However there is an ethical and moral to use social medias.
Laws against using VPN — Present telecom regulatory in Sri Lanka act has nothing to say about using VPNs. Under Emergency measures, many things may be declared, but no any companies or telecom do not have the right to levy fines or stop you from accessing Social medias. Unless if you are not clear about my message please contact your mobile operator hotline or TRCL on 1900/+94 11 2689345.
Meanwhile the users of Social Media are not understand what they are posting and sharing in the platform. This has supported the government to enforce restrictions, do not share any unnecessary posts, images or any media promoting hate speeches, frequent visits to the web sites which spread fake news and unwanted speeches, I fyou spread any fake news or edited medias in social media groups are offense under anti-terrorism act which is more stronger than the regular cyber crime acts. You can be charged under supporting or helping to messing up the peaceful community.
Please stay safe.
Regards — Gohulan
ISOC Sri Lanka Chapter | Associate Member of CSSL | Professional Member of IEEE | Member IEEE Computer Society