Implement database in the Oracle Cloud
Databases are the most important part of the application development, there are a variety of different ways that data can be stored for different database types. The most common ways of implementing database servers are On premises and Cloud. As we all have good practices in implementing databases in on premises servers this time has preserved to move from on premises to cloud.
Many organizations perform the migration of on-premises applications and data from their local data center to public cloud infrastructure to take advantage of benefits such as greater elasticity, self-service provisioning, redundancy and a flexible, pay-per-use model. Public cloud providers offer vast resources for security and recovery plan.
Mostly enterprise users now migrating their data to Azure, AWS, Google and Oracle clouds. Since we are dealing with Oracle databases here I am showing you how I have implemented the Oracle Database (18c) in the cloud and access from out side local pc with the database tools.
Prerequisites — You’ll need to signup with your account to Oracle Cloud, on the first signup you will get SGD 400 and 30 days trial. Once you successfully signed please follow the steps.
Once u signed in you will get identity domain, tenant, and the data center location.
Identity Domain — set of rules to user details or user authentications to access the data outside without sharing the user credentials.
After you logged into the Oracle Cloud you will get a index page like this,
On the Selection menu select Oracle Database Cloud Services (DBAAS), it will direct you to the following page
Now I am ready to create the Instance of the database cloud, Start with Create Instance button on the left and will be directed to the following page
Instance Name — Main Global database name
Region — Data center location ( it will be automatically assigned)
Availability Domain — If you are using multiple region compute domain, select the appropriate domain
Software Release — Database Version (In my case i have selected the 18c)
Software Edition — Enterprise Edition / Standard Edition depends on your requirement
Database Type — Single Instance / If you are using different backup plans please changed to Data guard or RAC
On the Next few steps I am going to Configured the database and Recovery plans, on the first left pane database needs to be configured and the right pane recovery needs to be configured
DB NAME — Global Database Name
PDB Name — Since it’s a plugged database I am giving a pdb name as well
Administration Password — SYS or SYSTEM user passwords to access the database through developer tools.
Usable Database Storage — As 18C I m configuring as 50GB
Compute Shape — The compute shape specifies the number of Oracle Compute Units (OCPUs) and amount of memory (RAM) for the virtual machine
SSH Public Key — It’s will used to access the database from outside machine, or to use tools such as Putty
On the Advanced Settings
Listener Port — 1521 (Usual Oracle Port)
Timezone — As same as database used location
Character Set & National Character Set Should be default
Crete SSH Public Key
Let’s we create the public token to allow access through external applications, on the SSH Public Key Edit it will open another windows to create SSH Key
Select Create a NEW Key and click Enter
Now the SSH key created successfully, downloaded the key pair to external use. It will download a zip file.
Backup & Recovery Configuration
Backup Destination — for backup and recovery, you would enter your choice of destinations
Cloud Storage Container — Paste the cloud storage container location and name
Username & Password -It must be the cloud storage user credentials.
Once the database and recovery configuration completed, click next to create the database in the cloud. Please note since it’s a sample database I have used the BYOL for the licence purposes and not enabled the data guard. Confirm everything and click Create to complete the database creation.
Once submitted, database creation is in the progress
Wait until the process completed, to start the instance successfully
Now almost all the cloud database creation has completed successfully, Check the public IP to access the database externally
Open the side pane to open the SQL developer web
navigate to SQL monitor page and it will show the database is up and running
Let’s play with some queries with SQL Web Developer & SQL Developer
Open SQL developer in the local machine and test the connection with the following public IP credentials,
Connected the database with SQL Developer and ran this query to verify the Global database name
Created a tablespace in the cloud instance
Enjoy !! Playing with some queries in the Cloud..